CCC Says: "When Irrational Games was originally teasing episode 1 of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea, they promised us that we would be in for a unique take on the BioShock experience, focusing on stealth and story outside of gunplay. What we got, was a couple hours of BioShock Infinite slathered over with a rapture coat of paint. It was fun enough, but it was really just more of the same, and so thats all we expected going into BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2. Imagine our surprise when it turned out that Irrational would make good on all of the promises after all."
BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea Episode 2 is the final DLC expansion added to Irrational Games AAA title, and it fulfills the expectations that its predecessors fell short in delivering. Combing the experience that both episodes in Burial at Sea create, it serves as a fitting conclusion to the narrative behind the BioShock and BioShock Infinite universe.
Guide4GameS: The second and last episode of BioShock Infinite Brutal at Sea features collectibles like Audio Diaries and Voxophones. The episode 2 contains total 25 Audio Diaries and Voxophones.